Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thank you to all who helped bring Da Chen to Bolton!

(Pictured: Da Chen with BHS Librarian, Mrs. Fazzina)

There are way too many people to thank as a result of Da Chen’s visit to Bolton – and that is a great problem to have! This was as a complete community event beyond what one could hope for!

On Monday (Septermber 14), Da Chen enthralled a group of students, teachers, parents, community members, the China travelers, and even book club members with his stories, some heart wrenching and others humorous. He managed to entrance the crowd with his playing of an authentic Chinese bamboo flute and signed books using the traditional brush calligraphy. After the event, we all enjoyed traditional Chinese snacks prepared by a crew supervised by Arlis Bobb. The critics in the crowd, Mr. Sima and his daughter (our visitors from the Shandong Province), went on and on over the superb quality of the Chinese food.

Da Chen spent the night with the Catanese family, enjoying the Patriots game and playing ping-pong. (Da has met Tom Brady compliments of NBC, who had he and his family sit in the audience of “Saturday Night Live” as part of one of the sketches that Tom Brady did while hosting several years ago. Of course, that’s not the most interesting story of his life!)

The next day (September 15) began with a writers’ workshop in the high school library. Following that meeting, Da Chen spoke and played his flute for our high school students and our grade 5 students, who we bused over. The day finished up with a luncheon in the library for students who were interested in asking the author questions. It was just a fantastic couple of days.

The author was able to generate enthusiasm in the entire community and thanks to the partnership of those who funded the visit (Bolton Community Education Foundation, Bolton Women’s Club, and the Bolton Public Schools) the experience of our “One Book, One Community” must be considered a great success!

What we could not achieve alone was achieved with the cooperation of several groups together to benefit the students and the town. The power of teamwork in our community was certainly evident this week – and I am grateful!