Monday, September 27, 2010

As we compare our schools to those in China...

The students, teachers, and community of Bolton, having traveled to China and hosted Chinese students, teachers, and educational officials are now well aware of the differences in American schools and Chinese schools.  Rather than say one country's schools are better than the other, we have agreed with our Chinese friends that we would like a system that combines the best of both!

“Waiting for Superman” premiered in theatres across the United States on Friday, September 24. The film’s creators are hoping that the film will “engender healthy discussion about the state of education today and swift action to improve our schools.” The film has brought about mixed reaction from educators who feel that “the movie tells only a selective story and that all the facts are not on the table.” There is no doubt that we are living in a time of school reform and difficult choices lie ahead as we sculpt the future of education. I look forward to seeing the movie and engaging in any conversation on school reform!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chinese language lessons available!

Are you planning to travel to China with us in 2012 - or would you just like to learn more Chinese phrases?

Manchester Community College is offering: Introduction to Mandarin Chinese (a six week introduction).

This introductory course is for anyone with an interest in the Chinese language—whether for academic studies or for those traveling to China on business or pleasure. They will cover the basics of phonetics, characters, numbers, culture, and travel. Participants will also receive an introduction to drawing Chinese characters. Learning will combine reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. Instructor will provide handouts.

CRN #31820 6 Tuesdays, 10/12-11/16, 7-9 p.m.

MCC Bldg. GPA GP143 Fee: $115


Jin Hu, native of Shanghai, China, received his master’s degree from Shanghai University in China and his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto . He is an engineer with Pratt & Whitney, as well as the past president of the Chinese Culture Center of Greater Hartford, Inc.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We're going back to China in April 2012

If you went with the Bolton Public Schools to Beijing, Jinan, and Shanghai in April 2010 and you would like to go back, or you missed the trip and would like to travel to China with us in April 2012, keep your eyes on this page for updates.
We are looking at several different itineraries for the return trip and will post information as it becomes available. You can view our April 2010 intinerary by clicking here.

Our return trip will be in April 2012. An organizational meeting will be held in early 2011. If you want more information and/or to get on the CHINA mailing list, please contact: