Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Author, Da Chen visits Bolton, Connecticut!

Reserve Monday evening,
September 14 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
to meet author,
Da Chen
at the Bolton Senior Center.

This event is free and open to the public.

Chen is the autor of the memoir, Colors of the Mountain, required summer reading for Bolton High School students during the summer of 2009 and the choice of the "One Book, One Community" reading selection for the town of Bolton.

Author, Da Chen will spend time at Bolton High School on Tuesday, September 15 beginning early in the morning!

8:00 AM - Writer's Workshop
9:00 AM - Grade 5 students meet the author
10:00 AM - All BHS students in an assembly with the author
11:30 AM - Lunch with the author in the high school Library

Don't miss the opportunity to meet Da Chen!

Visit the website: www.dachen.org
Visit the school's webiste: www.boltonpublicschools.org