In April 2010 members of the Bolton school community will travel to China! There is an information meeting scheduled for all students, parents, and community members on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 6:30 PM in the BHS Library.
This event is open to students and community members. The Bolton High School-China partnership was started last year when Principal, Paul K. Smith traveled to China with the Connecticut State Department of Education to establish a sister school in Jinan, the capital city of the Shandong Province south of Beijing.
In cooperation with BHS and the Bolton Community Education Foundation, a return to China is being planned. Travel arrangements will be made with the same touring program used by the Connecticut State Department of Education. The itinerary includes the Great Wall of China, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, Mount Taishan, a visit to Bolton’s sister school, the historic Hutong of Beijing, and a visit to China’s largest city in terms of population, Shanghai. Anyone interested in information on this adventure of a lifetime should attend this meeting!
In cooperation with BHS and the Bolton Community Education Foundation, a return to China is being planned. Travel arrangements will be made with the same touring program used by the Connecticut State Department of Education. The itinerary includes the Great Wall of China, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, Mount Taishan, a visit to Bolton’s sister school, the historic Hutong of Beijing, and a visit to China’s largest city in terms of population, Shanghai. Anyone interested in information on this adventure of a lifetime should attend this meeting!